Addiction and mental health conditions are common. Unfortunately, overcoming addiction and mental illness is complicated by obstacles to receiving treatment. At Port St. Lucie Hospital, our mission is to minimize these obstacles to provide quality mental health and substance abuse services to anyone overcoming addiction and mental illness in Florida.

Nearly one in five people experience some sort of mental illness each year. Of these, less than half receive treatment. Regarding addiction, around one in 10 people have experienced a drug or alcohol problem with only about 11 percent receiving treatment. However, these conditions are not mutually exclusive, meaning that mental illness and substance use disorders often occur together. When these conditions co-occur, they must be treated together in a dual diagnosis program. However, oftentimes barriers to mental health and addiction treatment prevent many from obtaining the support needed.

Barriers to Overcoming Addiction

Barriers to Overcoming Addiction

Carving the time out of your life to attend an inpatient mental health facility can be challenging. While barriers to addiction and mental health treatment are highly personal, some of the most common roadblocks are addressed below.

1. Lack of Awareness

There are a few ways that a lack of awareness can come into play when overcoming addiction or mental illness. One obstacle is not understanding or admitting that there is a problem. In these cases, an individual must recognize and acknowledge that something is not right. Perhaps a recreational drug or alcohol habit has become difficult to quit, or signs of a mental health condition have surfaced. In either case, reflecting on personal habits and emotions, and being honest with yourself, will help alert you to potential red flags.

Another way lack of awareness is a concern revolves around treatment. Many people don’t know where to find help, or understand that help is available. At Port St. Lucie Hospital, we provide inpatient mental health treatment to adults who are struggling with mental illness or a mental illness and addiction. Our mental health facility accepts people from any geographic location and for any mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorder.

2. Stigma

Another obstacle to treatment is perceived or actual stigmas. To be stigmatized for mental illness or addiction implies that you would be treated negatively because of your condition. Stigmas can be internalized, meaning that you find shame or other negative feelings towards your addiction or mental illness, or they can be external. External stigma extends to public opinion and how others treat you for having a substance use disorder or mental health condition.

Stigmas are not helpful to anyone. While public perception may be out of your control, our South Florida behavioral hospital team will empower you with education about your conditions as we work towards solutions and recovery. We can also work together to educate family members in an effort to normalize addiction and mental health conditions.

3. Concerns About Losing Employment

Barriers to Mental Health Treatment

Overcoming addiction and mental health conditions in an inpatient rehab mean that you will have to leave home for a few days, weeks, or months. The exact length of treatment will depend on each case, but any time away from work can cause stress about treatment. Rest assured that the law supports your decision to take a medical leave from work without losing your job. The following legislation is in place to support a leave of absence:

Despite these laws, some situations may result in the legal loss of your job due to drug use or an extended leave of absence. While this may seem detrimental in the short term, in the long run, living with an addiction and mental illness will cause far more strain in your life than finding a new job.

4. Affordability

Without insurance, paying for rehab is challenging. At Port St. Lucie Hospital, we provide up-front cost estimates to keep you informed about how paying for mental health care would look. However, it is important to remember that each case is different, and prices could change with treatment modifications.

To assist with cost, our mental health facility also accepts numerous insurances, including Medicare. Our team will help you find strategies to work with your health insurance company or help you find payment options if you do not have insurance. We understand how difficult living with mental illness and addiction can be, and we’re here to help.

5. Availability of Dual Diagnosis Program

Overcoming addiction while attending to mental health conditions requires a special program that is qualified to treat both illnesses. The lack of these programs presents another barrier to finding appropriate treatment for co-occurring disorders. At Port St. Lucie Hospital, we offer an accredited dual diagnosis program to address addiction and mental illness together.

How To Get Over An Addiction While Working On Mental Health

Addiction Treatment

The first steps to dealing with behavioral disorders are recognizing that there is a problem and contacting help. Scheduling a consultation is a great first step to learning about the mental health and addiction services Port St. Lucie Hospital offers. Programs that the facility provides in addition to dual diagnosis include:

You do not have to be sober at our South Florida rehab to begin fighting addiction. In addition to mental health care, we offer an inpatient drug detox that will allow you to start treatment now before moving into a dual diagnosis program. To make sure you completely overcome addiction and/or mental health concerns, our treatment team will assist you in planning for life after treatment and teach you how to fight addiction and manage mental health conditions post-treatment. To learn more, contact the admissions team at (772) 335-0400 or use our confidential online form.

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