If you made a goal for the New Year, now might be the time when you start to slack off. This might not matter much if your New Year’s resolution was small. However, if you set mental health goals, you should take whatever steps you can to see it through. In order to help you keep your mental health as a priority this year, we have come up with a lest of mental health goals you can make. After all, taking care of both your mental and physical health is important to your overall well-being.

Don’t Give in to Negative Self-Talk

mental health goals

Most of the time, we tend to be harder on ourselves than other people. Maybe you beat yourself up after a minor mistake. Or maybe you forgive others when they drop the ball, but find it harder to excuse yourself for the same blunder. Whatever it is, your inner voice may be impacting your mental health.

Sometimes, you can easily notice your negative beliefs and take steps to remedy it. However, you may need some additional help. If so, you may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy. This form of talk therapy helps you identify any negative thought distortions you may have and assists in changing those views into a more rational and realistic way of thinking.

Prioritize Self-Care to Meet Your Mental Health Goals

The term “self-care” seems to be ubiquitous nowadays. The beauty of self-care is the almost endless possibilities for what you can do to take better care of yourself and improve your mental health. Here are a few ideas:

  • Spend time outdoors
  • Learn to say yes or no
  • Make time for your hobbies
  • Exercise
  • Catch up on your favorite TV show

Additionally, make sure you get enough sleep each night. Research shows that sleep and mental health are intricately connected. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep can contribute to the development of some mental illnesses.

Bolster Your Support Network

People who have strong ties to their community, family members, and friends are generally healthier than those without a strong support system. Whenever you can, spend time with the people who matter to you, because not only will it help give you a sense of purpose, but it will also help your health and theirs.

If seeing people face-to-face is not possible, you can seek out a variety of online groups instead. You can reach out to people you already know on the social networks you use, or alternatively, find people who have similar interests. Many online groups exist for things like video games, sports, and a whole gamut of health issues.

Learn Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress

Unfortunately, stress is a natural part of life. However, some people have unhealthy ways of dealing with the stress they face, sometimes channeling their worries into unhealthy habits, such as drinking or using drugs. Having good coping skills when faced with difficult situations can be incredibly helpful in the long run. Other ways to channel stress include:

  • Taking a walk
  • Exercising
  • Playing with your pet
  • Journaling

Ask for Help Meeting Your Mental Health Goals

Sticking with these mental health goals may help you in the long run. Sometimes, however, you may need some extra help to maintain your mental health. Our Adult Mental Health program has a variety of treatment modalities to stabilize your mental condition and get you on the path to long-term recovery.

Remember, you can always reach out for help. You can call our admissions staff at (772) 335-0400 for immediate help, and we’ll help you find a solution that fits your needs. You can also click here to fill out a contact form.

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